Tiger is your reference in the annual compulsory chimney sweeping work
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The Tiger team meets your chimney sweeping requirements on:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Maintenance of stoves (pellets or wood)
Fireplaces or inserts
Flue pipes
Boiler ducts
air conditioner cleaning
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Why is it necessary to have a chimney sweep?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
To protect your home from fires
To prevent the spread of toxic fumes (carbon monoxide) in your home
To improve the draft of your duct
You are probably not sure if you should and when you should have your chimney swept or it seems unnecessary?!?
We are also there as advisers and we will tell you when and how to sweep your chimney.
Ce que dit la loi :
La RSDT (Règlement Sanitaire Départemental Type, Art 31.6) impose :
2 ramonages par an dont 1 obligatoire pendant la période forte d’utilisation pour les conduits de fumées à combustibles solides ou liquides (granules, bois, charbon, fuel)
1 ramonage par an pour les conduits de fumées à combustibles gazeux
Certificat de Ramonage :
Lors du passage du ramoneur, nous vous remettons un certificat de ramonage. Celui-ci atteste que le ramonage a été effectué par un professionnel. Vous devrez le conserver jusqu’au prochain passage. Il peut vous être utile en cas de sinistre dans votre habitation et sera impérativement demander par votre assureur.
Tiger is your reference in the annual compulsory chimney sweeping work
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The Tiger team meets your chimney sweeping requirements on:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Maintenance of stoves (pellets or wood)
Fireplaces or inserts
Flue pipes
Boiler ducts
air conditioner cleaning
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Why is it necessary to have a chimney sweep?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
To protect your home from fires
To prevent the spread of toxic fumes (carbon monoxide) in your home
To improve the draft of your duct